Accelerate Analytics Pipelines for R&D with Dash Enterprise

A special joint webinar with Pairwise, a food tech company

July 20, 2023

The combination of technology and agriculture has led to incredible transformation in the consumer foods industry. One such innovator is Pairwise, a U.S.-based company that is using new genomics to improve food nutrition and taste. In their R&D process, they needed a scalable analytics platform that could support rapid data outputs and real-time iterations with scientific and business stakeholders.

For industry-leading infrastructure, security, and support, Pairwise turned to Dash Enterprise. With the Python-based platform, their small data science team was able to support the analytics needs of another department ten times their size.

Watch this recorded joint webinar with Pairwise to hear how they were able to achieve the following with Dash Enterprise:

  • Enable timely data processing of over 10,000 samples and 25 experiments, totaling 3 TB each week
  • Incorporate real-time feedback from internal and external users, accelerating data review by 7x
  • Synchronize back-end and front-end development and produce a transparent, intuitive data app interface

About the Speaker

Zoe Cesarz is the Associate Director of Software Engineering for Pairwise. She manages a team of developers that design and build applications that provide data transparency and support R&D growth. She is passionate about creating products that enable cutting edge science. Prior to Pairwise, Zoe published several papers related to biochemistry and molecular biology for the University of Pittsburgh.