Plotly July Virtual Hangout

Bringing Passionate Python Developers Together

July 31, 12pm EDT

We’re proud and lucky to have a thriving community of enthusiastic Plotly users. Plotly Community Manager Adam Schroeder started a new initiative called “Plotly Hangouts”. The casual session will occur every month and feature an interactive interview with a Plotly Community member with live audience Q&A. (Think of it as a virtual fireside chat!)

July's session will feature John Kang, Director of Planning Analytics and Industrial Engineering at Cox Automotive. Working at the largest U.S. automotive auction network, John leverages Python and Plotly Dash to deliver analytics for large-scale capacity planning. In a conversation with Adam, John will share the following:

  • His experience working on a data analytics and workforce analytics team
  • Technical details about tools that support Cox Automotive Dash applications
  • Career advice for people on the analytics side of the business

Save your spot for July's community hangout!

Meet the Speakers

Adam Schroeder

Adam Schroeder is passionate about helping people learn data visualization. He has helped the community grow by building 1:1 relationships, resulting in 1.5 million downloads of Dash per month. Prior to joining the team, Adam taught Plotly Dash for over three years on YouTube as @CharmingData, whose videos have over 60,000 views per month. More recently, he was inspired to co-author “The Book of Dash” to provide another learning method for people who want to learn Dash.

John Kang

As the Director of Planning Analytics and Industrial Engineering at Cox Automotive, John Kang develops quality and planning systems to improve the performance of the broader field organization. He is skilled in data analytics and business process improvement. John has a Master of Science from Stanford University and an MBA from MIT Sloan School of Management. John also served in the U.S. Army for six years and is passionate about mentoring.