Deliver High-Performance Dashboards with Dash for Julia

A Special Joint-Webinar with the Leaders of Dash and Julia

Recorded on October 21, 2020

Downloaded over 17 million times, Julia is a high-level, high-performance dynamic language for technical computing. Part of the Jupyter trinity, Julia is a natural addition to the already-existing Python and R frameworks for Dash, the most downloaded, trusted framework for building ML & data science web apps. From basic research to financial modeling, pharmaceuticals to energy to aerospace, Julia users are at the forefront of high-performance computing. Julia offers a clear and expressive syntax with incredible performance and scalability. Dash offers a lightweight and stateless framework for building and deploying analytic web apps and dashboards. No JavaScript or DevOps required. Join the leaders of Julia and Dash as they launch Dash for Julia, bringing the flexible, interactive Dash experience that Python and R users know and love to this new community.

During this recorded 1 hour webinar, they'll show you how to:

  • Build, deploy, manage, and share interactive dashboards with Dash for Julia
  • Utilize Julia’s mathematical libraries, data manipulation tools, and general purpose computing packages in Dash
  • lncrease operational efficiency by implementing Dash for Julia into an existing data science workflow

Meet the Speakers

Matt Bauman

Matt is the Director of Applications Engineering at Julia Computing. He holds a PhD in Bioengineering from the University of Pittsburgh. He previously worked for the University of Chicago’s Center for Data Science and Public Policy, where he worked on dot-broadcasting in Python while working with local governments to use data science for social good.

Alex Johnson

Alex Johnson is Plotly's Chief Technology Officer and the architect of Plotly.js, Plotly’s D3 and WebGL based JavaScript data visualization library. Alex gets involved in the most challenging projects at Plotly, internally or externally through Plotly's Consulting & Training. Alex has a PhD from Harvard University in Quantum Physics and has consulted for Microsoft Research and the Center for Quantum Devices at the Niels Bohr Institute.