Pairwise Accelerates Food + Tech Innovation with Python and Dash Enterprise
Python and Dash Enterprise powers innovation in bioinformatics and molecular sequencing pipelines.
Pairwise, a pioneering U.S. food startup, discovers genetic traits that make foods more nutritious and desirable. Their team of biostaticians and genomicists work on mission-critical scientific processes, and wanted to expand and deliver an end-to-end analytics pipeline for an R&D organization ten times their size.
Turning to Dash Enterprise as a platform solution enabled 24/7 functionality, open-source scalability, and programming in Python. Pairwise’s software development team created four applications to design and conduct experiments, analyze the results, and deliver them to business users.
Read this user story to learn how Dash Enterprise increased the pace of innovation at Pairwise, including the following:
- 10x experiment acceleration
- 5x team growth
- 20-min styling

"Dash Enterprise has allowed our team to expand and deliver a 10x scalability increase in our molecular screening pipeline. This incredible increase has demonstrated critical ROI and supported the rapid acceleration of our innovative FulcrumTM platform." -Zoe Cesarz, Associate Director of Software Engineering, Pairwise