ICT Firm Launches AI-Driven Platform with Dash Enterprise + Azure Databricks

Dash Enterprise front-end framework and Databricks back-end architecture empower Sidmach to go beyond traditional BI tools.

Sidmach develops and deploys software solutions that have transformed over 100 million lives across the African continent. With innovation as a driving force to make their technologies scalable, proven, secure, and easy to use, Dash Enterprise became an easy choice for their platform investment.

Combining the power of Dash Enterprise as a front-end framework and Databricks as a back-end architecture empowered Sidmach to build an enterprise-grade product, instead of simply presenting data. Sidmach was able to move beyond traditional BI tools while creating a bespoke solution for their users.

Read this user story to learn how the West African Examination Council (WAEC) and its data customers were able to benefit from this investment, seeing the following results:

  • 3 week delivery time by working in Python
  • 200 million rows of data accessible in the web browser
  • Instant invoicing and transparent cost control with dynamic updating
  • One-click report generation of static and interactive PDFs for sharing within and beyond the enterprise
  • Curated user journey designed with Design Kit

"Traditional business intelligence solutions present data, but we needed to build a product. To respect the users’ journey and help them make informed decisions, we needed more than a business intelligence platform. That’s why we chose the combination of Databricks and Plotly’s Dash Enterprise.” -Akintunde Opawole, Product Manager of the EduStat platform, Sidmach Technologies