Explore Dash in Manufacturing, Science, and Engineering

Showcase of Python data apps from the Plotly Community

March 8, 2023

The Dash framework was released to the open-source community over five years ago. Since then, it has delivered countless data applications of varying complexity that accomplish visualization and advanced analytics needs. Combined with the flexibility of Python, the interactivity and customization of Dash benefits everyone from the individual student, researcher, or hobbyist, to large data teams at Fortune 500 companies.

To showcase this wide range of use cases and level of sophistication, we launched an Explore Page on our website, featuring example applications that use Python and Plotly Dash.

Adam Schroeder, Plotly's Community Manager, invited a few Plotly Community members to share more about their personal Dash journeys, as well as show their data application, its capabilities, and features. Watch the recorded session, the first of multiple community showcases, to learn more about data apps and the following industries and data analytics avenues:

  • Manufacturing and R&D
  • Science & Civil Engineering
  • Geospatial
  • Machine Learning

About Adam Schroeder

Adam Schroeder is Plotly's Community Manager, and is passionate about helping people learn data visualization. Prior to joining the team, Adam taught Plotly Dash for over two years on YouTube as @CharmingData, whose videos have over 60,000 views per month. More recently, he was inspired to co-author “The Book of Dash” to provide another learning method for people who want to learn Dash.